Professional Negotiations

"Ghost Negotiating"

"Ghost Negotiating"


Ghost negotiating (on-site) and coaching (off-site) complements functional preparation by providing a structured analysis of your choices, your counterparts and your strategic options. We also assist you, both in planning as well as executing your strategy and tactics. This opens up new options during the negotiation process, particularly when the content is complex, communication becomes difficult and you are dealing with people from different cultures. We structure your preparation including that of your negotiation team.

What does "Ghost Negotiating" consist of?

We will support you in all aspects of negotiations: preparation, a structured observation of your counterparts, briefing your team members, on-site observation, tactical advice during negotiation sessions, feedback sessions and strategic reorientation in-between rounds. As „ghost negotiators“ we will not play an active role vis-a-vis your counterparts. We support you by focusing on the process, reactions of the other parties and by providing fresh ideas on strategy and tactics - in particular in situations that appear to be 'hopeless'.

International negotiations...

International negotiations...

...are a normal part of business life. Globalisation, worldwide sourcing, international markets, cross-border production and a multi-ethnic staff have increased contacts between cultures. Handling different cultures professionally is a vital success factor.

Culture influences how we do things. It affects our social norms, attitudes and values, it defines what behaviour is acceptable and what not, how one deals with difficulties, if it is permissible to voice concerns and to whom we may do so. Business culture also determines what we consider punctual or late and how we delegate tasks.

Cultural diversity influences negotiations, projects, leadership behaviour, team development, quality management, sales and purchasing, communication and any kind of professional co-operation. In order to use the potential of different business cultures, you need clarity about the peculiarities - at least.

Above and beyond the classical "dos and don‘ts" of different cultures, successful international managers need emotional stability and curiosity. As a professional you should know how to avoid misunderstandings. More importantly, you need to deal with your own culture shock productively.

Having your feet placed firmly on the ground may sound somewhat old-fashioned, yet it is quite effective. It allows you to remain relaxed in situations of irritating diversity, facing seemingly bad manners or rudeness, late arrivals, and "slovenliness“ of various kinds. Furthermore, without curiosity you might quickly feel overwhelmed. Any unfamiliar behaviour is a challenge to your values and believes. Yet, there are always alternative ways of behaviour...

ProvoCoach™ supports you in all aspects of international negotiations: preparation in English and briefing team members, on-site observation and tactical or cultural advice during negotiation sessions, as well as feedback and strategic reorientation in-between rounds.

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+49 - (0)40 - 539 098-10